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Posters, reports, booklets, brochures

I wrote this Amazon ‘case for support’ for WWF and have edited many reports, including Barriers to Belonging for the British Red Cross and Cycles of Exploitation for Lumos. Left is a launch leaflet for Save the Children's Every Last Child campaign. Under an earlier incarnation of the brand, I worked on a fold-out poster for schools with a great designer who I then teamed up with again on a creative scratchcard piece and these word-cloud brand posters.


online content

I’ve written confidence-boosting features for Springster (Girl Effect), on making your own mantra, being scared and carrying on anyway, and being happy by helping others, showcased the wisdom of the younger generation for this Radio 4 Life Lessons article, and took a look at the teen brain in this listicle for the Infinite Monkey Cage. On social, I’ve helped build engagement with pieces like this Christmas Jumper Day Facebook post and inspired corporate fashion giants to sign up to greener practice with this nature quiz.


messaging and tone of voice development

My tone of voice and messaging development projects have been some of my favourites to work on. But the end products – things like messaging ‘song sheets’ or tone-of-voice execution guides – are usually for internal audiences and not for public posting. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more about work I’ve done in this area.